Friday, January 15, 2010

Why Humans Are Destined for Greatness

I wanted to write it with my own words, just like a friend of mine suggested.

But I'm just too lazy.

Besides, an old book by Dr. Nico Syukur Dister OFM. that belongs to my father says it quite nicely already.
It's in bahasa though.

"Manusia dijadikan Tuhan Allah Pencipta sebagai 'mahkota ciptaan', sebab hanya dialah yang diciptakan 'menurut gambar dan rupa Allah sendiri' (Kej 1:26-27).

Manusia itu lebih ajaib dan lebih kaya daripada bintang-bintang di langit dengan panas teriknya yang menyala-nyala.

Pandanglah seorang anak kecil yang lagi main di pekarangan rumahnya: bukankah dia itu kesatuan yang penuh rahasia? Rupa-rupanya dia lebih biasa daripada matahari, akan tetapi ia dapat mengenal matahari dan bergembira karenanya, sedangkan matahari tak pernah dapat mengenal anak itu atau bergembira karenanya.

Sebab anak itu hidup dan berbudi dan merasa, sedangkan matahari tidak.

Surya dibuat dari emas karena anak mempunyai mata. Surya itu indah karena manusia mempunyai hati yang merasa. Seorang anak dapat menangis karena tidak mendapat kasih sayang, tetapi sebuah benda langit tidak tahu menahu mengenai kasih sayang.

Kenyataan manusia itu lebih kaya, bahkan lebih nyata, daripada ledakan-ledakan api di angkasa raya."

Even a great natural phenomenon such as a supernova is far less greater than the smile of a baby that sees it.
Because there's a SUBJECT in that simple smile,
something that is AWARE.

And if I may add something to the already beautiful words in the book:

"After all that great awareness to their surroundings, humans STILL have something much even greater.


Maybe that's why I believe God is found within oneself.

We are truly destined for greatness.


  1. A nice post...You had mentioned about this before...but just not so long ago, I realized something about why I want to learn photography...because I want to share, I want to communicate the beauty that I see...that is unperceivable by some...and that made me realized, that our perception of beauty is what makes something beautiful..without it, it has no meaning..

  2. I cannot comment anything on this post.. Because this is a very beautiful post, and it made me more enlightened than ever before.. thanks man! keep up the good work.

  3. anyway...that photograph is taken with fill flash technique, hehehe :P

  4. I really like ur post. It make me appreciate more about humans life.

    The word that really touch me: "Maybe that's why I believe God is found within oneself."

    When you see someone else, you see GOD in them.

  5. naaahhh.. If i had seen God in other people, I would never hit anyone.

    I think God is a personal matter, I'm pretty sure that you can't really see God in other people.

    ..or maybe you can if you're a bit schizophrenic.

  6. I'm sure He's there also... somewhere...

  7. "If i had seen God in other people, I would never hit anyone"

    hm, if you help people with all your heart, sometimes you "feel", not "see" that God is in them.

  8. viRus! you've finally made a good comment.. Good point! humm maybe i should rethink it.. maybe Hub is right.. God's maybe on other people's heart if you look hard enough.
