Monday, January 4, 2010

Aw… The Irony (a note about Gus Dur and St. Albertus church)

Gus Dur’s death on December 30th 2009 raised much of public appraisal frenzy. Everyone just went on and on about how he had been such a devoted pluralist, naming him The Father of Pluralism, and even went as far as campaigning him for national hero and December 30th for pluralism day.

All of this people-suddenly-get-interested-in-pluralism never seized to amaze me.


I didn’t know you all considered pluralism to be a good thing.
I didn’t know you loved pluralism so much.
Hell, I thought you condemned it, thinking it as a bane in a utopia society you’ve always dreamed of.

Besides, a church in Bekasi was burned down on December 15th and you just forgot about it, right?
It's just not worthy enough to address, right?
So I guess it’s “let us all devote ourselves to pluralism but neglect burning down a church an issue”, right?

And to have it just for wacky reasons such as "the statue of Mary was so big, the taste of Christianity was considered too much to handle" is just overwhelming...
It's a church! What did you expect to be inside, a big statue of SpongeBob?
Surely, you can't keep silent about this!!

Pluralism my ass, please stop desecrating the memory of God-bless-him-renaissance-man-Gus-Dur with your mumbo jumbo.
Besides, he wouldn't be a hero if you all loved pluralism just as he did.


  1. yeah those fucking hypocrites i bet they don't really know what pluralism means anyway..or maybe they just associated it with the chinese as the sole minorty in indonesia (who obviously got gus dur attention) unlike the indians, the arabs, and the caucasians they are majority.
    So In other words we can live in a world as one.. there are no chinese,javanese,padangese,dayaks as long as we are the sons of God.

    wait the minute..are we talking about MY God or Yours?

    yeah so fuck you hypocrites.
    Maybe you need to be blind to see with your heart wide open.

  2. Nice opinion...I'll remember my bonsai's death on 30 December...screw pluralism hypocrites just search some event to be dramatize, to make fuss of, to fill some columns in newspapers..and Gus Dur death is happen to be one...I don't even care if they write a good things about him...I just lost faith on this nation's fucked up stupidity...

  3. Well, these bunch of people who burned the construction site are bad people... they dont have awareness of law...
    but, it's better not to overgeneralize all indonesian people... it's them... only a bunch of people who are fucking assess..
    In my shallow-mind illusion, Gus Dur is still a good person who become a symbol of tolerance... I like Gus Dur... ups, sorry, i like openness and tolerance...

  4. I like him too.

    anyway, this post wasn't meant for the arsonists. their asses are way doomed.
    this post was meant for people who live in a false pretense due to ignorance, cowardice, or plain old hypocrisy.
    you know, people who keep silent or even talk like there's nothing wrong in this country.

  5. I have a mixed feeling with Gus Dur...I remember when he is still the president, I honoured him a lot...I even feel sad when he eventually step down due to so called idealist protesters (who think themselves smart enough to determine the one who deserve to be the president)...but then Betet tell me something about him being a little arrogant, who demands to be honoured like a saint...well...I don't know, I never learn that much about Gus perhaps I had missed a lot about Gus Dur..But as far as my own knowledge and experience concern...I still like him and honoured him...He spokes things that feels just right in my point of view...but the ignorant just don't get it...people being to one is willing to try to understand...

  6. Lao asu: I just remember that there is something I would like to point burning is just as uneducated example...I don't think they are "only" a bunch of fucking asses, I think they are a whole lot bunch of fucking asses, but the more educated one are those who we faced everyday...those discriminative situation that we faced, not to mention that no one stood up against the church burner, which just prove my point that even not all of them are the same, at least most of them are...

  7. @lao a su: hm, i think people like gusdur who love pluralism is only 1 of a million.

    I think many people, everywhere in the world (not only at Indonesia), just like the pluralism in their mouth, not in their heart and do it in their own life.

    About the church, i am agre to Bert, its not only the bunch of people. Its many people.

  8. It was saddening that many people who were close to Gus Dur didn't get to enter to burial site.

    anyone noticed that SBY straightened his tie every 12 seconds?

    Burning churches (as well mosques, temples, etc) is downright wrong. Perpetrators should be locked up, either by the judicial system (sigh!) or by other 'system' (karma, morale, and others)
    But on the other hand, I think, Catholics really need to mingle with the society, and be of use of that society, MASSIVELY.
    I do feel that many are not spending enough time for, say RT/RW.
    And it ain't helping no cause.

    ..commenting earlier post,
    I think there are more moderate people than just one in a million. I've met more than 240 moderate Muslims in my live.
    let's not lose hope, shall we?

  9. IMHO we don't have to label ourself as catholics to be of use to society.
    Because when we label ourself it'll induce more hatred to the ones that's ill-minded, and it means nothing to the illiterate.We should do what we can for this world, contribute anyway we can for society, but of course that is If we're living in my own version of utopia, or yours maybe.

    yep i agree there are more moderate muslim here in indonesia, and actually there are more fanatic christian than meets the eye. Here in Malinau district I've seen many cases of people fighting because they decided to change their "church". It's ironic to think that fight happened in a community of a religion which teach love above all.

    And i really do believe if christians are the majority in Indonesia, there'll be an equal number of mosque that'll be burned down.

    Heh?How can you even notice SBY ties. hehehe

  10. O yeah maybe we need more moderate-gay-moslem like D***f eh? huehehehehe

  11. It's not just about the numbers.
    It's the silence.

  12. perfectly said hub...the silence...

  13. @wongky: yup, it's all 'bout majority vs minority. Happens everywhere in the world, just on different scale.

    @hub: the society would remain silent until someone wake them up. And that person could be you.
    My point is that we shouldn't lose hope and not live in bitterness.

    *I've accidentally changed my ID. chs, andre.

  14. hahaha...
    yeah, I ALWAYS fall into bitterness.

  15. @hub : and don't forget you always fall for Girls from the "majority" who you can't date without expecting any bloodsheds.. Gyahahahaha

  16. bloodshed... yeah. I almost killed myself before I reach 27. hahahaha...
    anyway, I think I don't remember how to fall in love anymore, and I don't know if that is right or wrong.

  17. btw,
    found this piece from JakPost.

  18. I've read it.

    but I'm not so sure about it.

    discussion is a perfect tool among SANE people.
    but we're talking about delusional people with a tendency to violence here. in psychiatry, what they have is enough to earn a place in psychosis category.
    in short: they are mad people.

    we usually deal such cases personally with therapies like personality deconstruction and reconstruction (and drugs).
    but those are done personally.

    in mass delusion cases (desperate times), I could only hope for the use of desperate measures.

    excessive force by the government is one.
    I know it sounds harsh. but I think a strong message has to be made about what is wrong and what is not. sometimes a problem is less gray than everyone think.

    about the discussion thingy, I think a discussion will only work if it ends violently, resulting in casualties from the oppressed party (martyrs), ironically just like what the article says.

    however, there's a difference.

    if the article says martyrdom is a risk, I think martyrdom is a must if we want some kind of effect at all.

    only then, the discussion will truly have a STRONG MESSAGE that will hopefully awake them from their mental illness state.

  19. well it used to bother, or amaze me a lot how idiotic people can be

    but not anymore, well Im still struggle with it actually

    but what I want to say is that those action are the picture of human history, i dont think we cant change it, we can only TRY OUR BEST and live peace with our own

  20. "Ya Bapa ampunilah mereka karena mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka lakukan"

  21. even in a threatening situation.
