Saturday, April 10, 2010

Old Post: Starry Sky - A New Perspective

I found these old posts from my no-longer-existing-blog when I was cleaning my hard drive. I thought it would be interesting to post them again and add some commentaries.

I love to watch a starry sky. I often consider it as a window of different time options. Maybe just like a time machine display.

Stars are so far away that it took several, tens, hundreds of years for their light to reach earth. The star we see is the star at a moment of the past.
When you see the stars, you may see the light that was generated at the time you were born. Or the time your father was born.
When you see the stars, you may see 1973, 1987, 1964, or whatever years the light originate. You see the stars of those years.
The sky is like a vast beautiful black blue screen filled with images from the past.

I think there is nothing more VIVID in terms of "looking back at the past" than watching the stars.

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Old Post: Just How Late I Am

I found these old posts from my no-longer-existing-blog when I was cleaning my hard drive. I thought it would be interesting to post them again and add some commentaries.

I've been breathing for 24 years, 9 months, and 22 days.
I've only been living for less than 3 years.
Just how late I am.
Better late than never.

I get the feeling I'll be writing something similar in the next months.

Old Post: I Hate Religious Fanatics!

I found these old posts from my no-longer-existing-blog when I was cleaning my hard drive. I thought it would be interesting to post them again and add some commentaries.

God, I hate religious fanatics! especially those who always put a smile on their faces when they listen or talk to people. I feel like smacking their heads off just to wipe off those smirks. They think they're better than everyone else while their thoughts are super-shallow and stupid. I may not know everything, but at least I don't consider myself better than anyone else. Let alone accepting appraisals like some holy men.

God, I really hate religious fanatics!

I still do.

Old Post: Why I Don't Want to Learn Playing Musical Instruments

I found these old posts from my no-longer-existing-blog when I was cleaning my hard drive. I thought it would be interesting to post them again and add some commentaries.

Playing music has always been interesting for me. I like watching people generate beautiful sounds. But I've never been too keen on learning how to do it.

Because I believe if I did, I would destroy its beauty.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Woman of My Dreams

She would have to be:

1. kind
   - has a strong sense in moral values
2. smart
   - able to understand things, opinionated, cultured with a wide sense of art
3. deep
   - has a relevant perspective, able to feel beauty in a non-aesthetic way


1. has a physical appearance resembling the next girls.

Brains or balls, gentlemen. Brains or balls.

Cyclopes and Us

Some say that Cyclopes, the one eyed creatures from Greek mythology, are cursed because they know the time of their death.

When I thought about it, I used to ask myself.

Is it a curse, or is it, in fact, liberating?

Then again, I thought about myself, and how I didn't have the slightest clue about my time.

Is it a curse, or is it, in fact, liberating?

I don't know. It may as well be a matter of choice.

Mm.. It's so easy to say it when they're just words.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

100th Post

Celebrating the 100th crap I've written so far!!!

I've read somewhere that it's a custom to write 100 things people don't know about you in your 100th post.
I don't think I have 100 things to say.
Even if I did, I wouldn't want to bore anyone.
So here's just one.
1. Hair barely grows on my right armpit.
There it is.
I think that's humiliating enough to cover the other 99, or even other celebrations, so to speak.

happy 100th post everyone! :)
Thanks so much for everything.