Monday, March 22, 2010

A Woman of My Dreams

She would have to be:

1. kind
   - has a strong sense in moral values
2. smart
   - able to understand things, opinionated, cultured with a wide sense of art
3. deep
   - has a relevant perspective, able to feel beauty in a non-aesthetic way


1. has a physical appearance resembling the next girls.

Brains or balls, gentlemen. Brains or balls.


  1. make the second number 1 as number 4 would be great yet almost impossible..haha..there should be a 4 variables with each has its own "konstanta" (how do u call it in english?I am using my blackberry, google searching would be inconvenient)..and I would personally set the number 4 (or the second number 1) as the most influencial one in the equation..hahahaha :p..I wonder what would wingkobabat say about this..hahaha :p

  2. hey my girl meets all the criteria, if only she could manage her weight

  3. well, the girls would fit into the second criteria "sense of art", so perhaps Aron's hope wasn't that far-fetched.
    Godsped men hahaha

  4. you mean body art :D...amen brother...hahaha

  5. hmph..let's answer this..let's see the extreme example shall we so it's easier to compare and answer

    women with super big brains but superugly


    women with super small brains but superhot

    don't give me the balance crap..everyone knows that balance is the perfect one..if we have to choose either then it'll absolutely be balls for every living straight men.

    hell! even the blind ones..

  6. I'll pick the hot one and spend the rest of my life talking to myself.

  7. bless you my friend..because you are enlightened!
