Sunday, October 11, 2009

O Come Ye Miyabi

The famous (or infamous?) Japanese AV Idol is planning to shoot a film in Indonesia, in which script is written by Raditya Dika, creator of the hilarious Kambing Jantan.

As expected, a serious amount of rejection from various community classes arise.

A massive protest of around 200 FPI members was even held in front of the production house.
They went as far as saying that they were prepared to die to prevent her coming.

Prepared to die...

The question is why?
There are three reasons I’ve got so far from news coverage.
It just doesn’t feel right.
No comment on this one.
Indonesia has enough sins already, her coming will only result in God’s wrath in form of disasters.
Also no comment.
It is feared her reputation as a (or THE) porn star would corrupt the country’s moral values.
Tell me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you guys about 4 years and 62 titles late?
Her freaking videos is well around Indonesia, sitting nicely in almost every hard disk you can find.

I think we all forget the main issue here.

The issue isn’t whether what she’s done is right or wrong.

The issue isn't "Is pornography bad?".

The issue is she plans to come here to shoot a comedy.
It’s not illegal.

The whole thing about her coming is not the right place for your battle for moral values.
You can try stopping her videos from spreading, but you can’t prevent her to shoot a decent film.
Don’t get everything mixed up.
I wouldn't.
And sure as hell I wouldn't die for a mix up also.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Obama, a Nobel for What?

He won the Nobel Peace Prize, but for what exactly?

Guantanamo still opens; US troops are still in Iraq; no diplomatic improvement with the Palestinians, Iranians, North Koreans, and Cubans; and finally the climate change bill will not be done in time for Copenhagen Climate Conference.

One thing to remember though, unlike Nobel Prize for science or literature, Nobel Peace Prize has been given for RECENT achievements or even UNCOMPLETED achievements in the hope it would encourage the winner to see it through.

Maybe that’s why Gandhi never won?
Yep, the man of peace himself never won. Perhaps the committee didn't think he needed the encouragement.

A Pampering and Some Breasts

A quick one.
I’m still doing my study don’t worry.

This is merely an observation. I’m not saying it’s good or bad.

There are two major aspects I find in a love relationship, INSECURITY and IDEALIZATION.

Okay, here’s when the rotten eggs get thrown at me.

Insecurity is mostly women’s problem and idealization is mostly men’s.

By insecurity I mean, one’s inability to love and believe in oneself that one must seek them from a spouse.
You may have heard a story from DeMello. The story goes like this.
Mother: "What does your girlfriend like in you?"
"She thinks I'm handsome, talented, clever, and a good dancer."
"And what do you like about her?"
"She thinks I'm handsome, talented, clever, and a good dancer."
You may find this absurd, but tell me how many times have you heard a woman who was asked about why she chose her current lover in the first place, answered, “Because he loves and cares for me…”?
In other words of course, I love you because you can give me anything I want, pamper me, protect me, tell me I’m pretty, etc, and hardly because of who you really are. Just imagine the level of insecurity.

Well, what about men?
Men have their own problem that is called idealization.
Idealization clouds men’s view, impedes them the ability to see the truth.
It transforms a perfectly normal girl who defecates at least once a day and farts in a regular basis to be a digestive-tract-less Heidi Klum.
They fail to see the true beauty and insert their own ideas of beauty.

So it’s no wonder in declining relationships to hear this sentence from women,
“Don’t you love me anymore?”
Or simply from men,
(as in you’re not as pretty, smart, sophisticated, etc as I thought)

What they say actually represents what they expect most from a relationship;
a knight in the shining armor who’s always up for pampering for women
a 36B goddess for men.

I wonder if a relationship based on mutual adoration between two secured, honest persons even exists. I hope it does; here, not in Shangri-La.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I need a moment of solitude.

No, it is not because I need to contemplate on something.

No, it is not because I'm just tired of the world.

And it's far earlier than November 12th!!! (I knew I shouldn't have trusted such too good to be true news)
  • Interview starts on October 12th (some say it will be just like a practice-patient test, damn!).
  • Psychology test is on October 17th.
  • Written test is on October 27th.
I have to get prepared.
Start the clock!
Catch you later.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Noordin M Top: Can I Trade Mine?

Terrorist Noordin M Top Was Sodomized: Indonesian Forensic Expert
Nufrika Osman

A forensic pathologist said on Wednesday that an examination of the body of the terrorist mastermind Noordin M Top, who was killed during a raid in Central Java last month, indicated that he had been sodomized at some point in his life.
“There is an anomaly in Noordin’s anus because it is shaped like a funnel,” said Mun’im Idris, a forensic pathologist from the University of Indonesia. “It indicated that somebody had sodomized him.”
It is unclear why Mun’im released the information.

God: Welcome my glorious servant. You have done a great deed by killing off infidels.
Noordin: Yes, o God Almighty.
God: As I have promised, you may accept these 72 beautiful female virgins as a token of your devotion.
Noordin: Mm... My heart is filled with gratitude and joy; but, can I trade mine with male virgins instead?
God: ...

- courtesy of Ric from a late night conversation -

If all his pervert ideas that killed so many had originated from a sexually abused child, I am pretty much speechless.
And about Mun'im's address, to scare off Noordin's followers?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Singapore 09

There are more pictures actually.
It'll take some effort to get them all because they are stored in my friends' memory cards.
I had brought my own old-humongous-almost-a-kilogram digital camera with me at the time, but apparently had forgotten the memory card (how stupid).

I'll upload them as soon as I get them.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Eureka! My Very Own Magic Square(s)!

I was so proud about this.
Not too much now.

This post was supposed to be written and published at 6 AM.
But I had to go to the Sunday mass, so… there goes the excitement.

Anyway, let’s pretend that I am still very excited about this.

Yesterday, I saw Albrecht Durer’s magic square.
It was awesome.
For all of you who don’t know what a magic square is, well, it is simply a square with consecutive numbers on it.
The magic lies within the fact that the sum of each row, column, and diagonal are the same.
Albrecht Durer’s magic square, however, is more than that.

Not only does it have the usual properties of a magic square, it also has an equal sum of the numbers on its center square (which consists of four smaller squares), and all four quadrant squares.
Moreover, the number 1514 on the bottom row is actually the year the square was created.

Impressed, I decided to make my own.
After a gruesome long night, I was finally able to create what I think is a BETTER magic square.

Like any other magic squares, the sum of each row, column, and diagonal are the same.
But that’s only the half of it.
You will also find that the sum of EVERY four adjacent squares that form a larger square is the same.
Take any four squares that form a larger square you want, and the sum of the numbers will be the same.

From the initial square, I was also able to derive no less than 96 squares that follow the same rules (kinda takes away the value actually).
I divide them into three groups called batches.
For the sake of space, I'm only presenting one square per batch.

Batch 21-13/25-9
 2  16  5  11
13  3  10  8
12  6  15  1
 7   9   4  14

Batch 19-15/25-9
 7  14  1  12
 9   4  15  6
16  5  10  3
 2  11  8  13

Batch 18-16/25-9
 4   9   7  14
15  6  12  1
10  3  13  8
 5  16  2  11

But Albrecht Durer’s square has the production year on it, you might say.
Well, my squares are only 4 by 4, which means the largest number is 16. There’s no number 20 to create the year 2009.
But, as far as dates are concerned, here is the list of ALL possible dates you can get from my squares:
Batch 21-13/25-9
Apr 9/Sept 4, Aug 1/Jan 8, May 16, Dec 13, Jul 14, Oct 15, Feb 11/Nov 2, Jun 3/Mar 6, Jan 12/Dec 1, May 4/Apr 5, Aug 13, Sept 16, Jun 15, Nov 14, Mar 10/Oct 3, Jul 2/Feb 7.
Batch 19-15/25-9
Sept 16, Aug 11/Nov 8, Jun 3/Mar 6, Jan 14, Feb 7/Jul 2, Oct 5/May 10, Dec 13, Apr 15, Nov 14, Mar 16, Jan 8/Aug 1, Sept 6/Jun 9, May 4/Apr 5, Feb 13, Oct 15, Jul 12/Dec 7.
Batch 18-16/25-9
Oct 15, Feb 16, Jun 8/Aug 1, Sept 7/Jul 9, May 4/Apr 5, Mar 13, Nov 14, Jun 12/Dec 6, Sept 16, Aug 10/Oct 8, Jul 2/ Feb 7, Jan 15, Mar 6/Jun 3, Nov 5/May 11, Dec 13, Apr 14.

- The End –

Okay, now I’m going back to my mattress.