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Friedrich Nietzsche |
It’s the same preferred morality.
If you watch the WWE, you’ll see that it has a different standard about what’s good and bad compared to general perception. Its good guys aren’t exactly the most humble, pitiful, or sympathetic people. They are, in fact, evil and arrogant sons of a gun; literally no different than its bad guys on that matter.
So how do we tell them apart?
It’s by looking at what they’ve actually got. The good guys are the ones who have what it takes to back up their attitude. The bad guys are the cowards who don’t even stand a chance in a fair fight.
Or in other words, the WWE’s morality is about power.
In his work, On the Genealogy of Moral, Nietzsche mentions a similar morality. He divides morality into two, the master and the slave. The master sees things as good or bad. The good is the strong, courageous, and noble, while the bad is the weak, coward, and petty.
Unlike the master, the slave sees things as good or evil. The good is the humble, pitiful, and sympathetic, while the evil is actually the master’s good: the strong, courageous, and noble.
The strange pick for evilness can be explained by an account on how history really unfolds.
Long time ago, the world was ruled by the masters. They flourish through the means of the good: strength, courage, and nobility. The slaves envied them, and realizing they would never have what was considered good, they formed their own morality. It was the exact opposite with a twist. The master’s good was now not only considered bad, but, in fact, evil; making the slave morality about good and evil instead of good and bad.
At one point, the slaves managed to take control, and the masters were kicked out of their reign. The slave morality began to slowly spread. In the end, it even managed to cover the whole world (marked by the fall or Rome and the spread of Christianity which is actually the slave morality).
Nietzsche resented the morality shift. He preferred the master morality, which was about the will to power, rather than the slave one, which prevented the growth of man by teaching weakness, brutal equality, and prohibition to ingeniousness, or basically how to live like a herd.
Even now as we speak, we see that this kind of morality still dominates the world. Many times, in order to be good, we have to lower ourselves and cut our potentials, don’t we? If you don’t believe me, just try to stand out and see how much hammered you will get.
Well, unless of course you are a WWE wrestler.
In that case, people will absolutely cheer for you.
Since you(or your software or whatever) wouldn't post my thoughts yesterday concerning the Titanic joke referred to as WWE("oh no! we're not a wrestling company! we're a BRAND, teehee!")....you want to know why most people rejected the "morality" honored by ol' Krautface up there??? Well let's see....because, maybe, the type of people that ol' Krautstache honored were(I don't know!) obtuse, selfish, insane, psychotic, sociopathic, narcisistic, greedy, neanderthalistic asswipes??? Maybe because everyone(including myself) really, truly wanted GOD(I'm 100% agnostic) to make everyone NOT have wants surpassing their basic needs by infinite-fold, which is why we're in this post-industrial, post-capitalist, Federal-Reserve-Owned $h!thole we're in now where the only people seemingly deciding what goes on anymore are(as follows) whatever party beginning in either a "D" or an "R", a shitload of a$$hole lawyers, Bill Gates, George Soros, activist courts, faceless(unelected) bureaucrats(*cough*EPA*cough*) and agencies, the global-cabal-owned Mainstream(of pi$$) Media, deeyadayadeedee("& duh beat goes on")........though I will say this: really when you look to blame, blame God all the way; he should have made us perfect, as in all-good, powerful, wise, patient, self-contained and immortal(like him supposedly--he HAD all the power/wisdom/supposed love to do it(as well as create the whole f#cking universe right???)), and then there wouldn't be all the bad stuff happening that made the monsters creating the Monster Morality ol' "Iev gott KRAUT uhndair mie phoaking moastaache!!!" up there that I'm not quite sure whether you yourself agree with or not, Mr. Granola-Boy Blogger Boy....
ReplyDeleteFirst, relax Dude, I don’t delete comments.
ReplyDeleteSecond, Nietzsche’s philosophy does not propose an “obtuse, selfish, insane, psychotic, sociopathic, narcissistic, greedy, neanderthalistic” man. The superiority theme he talked about was the kind of superiority against inherent, seemingly preordained values. Just read Thus Spake Zarathustra and hopefully you’ll see that he did not talk about such degenerate values you interpreted.
Third, I can understand the situation of extreme individualism supported by a corrupt, insatiable hunger for things that don’t last happening in your developed country (I assume it’s the US because you conveniently used the letter D and R instead of the word Democrats and Republicans and referring Nietzsche as a ‘Krautface’) led you to interpret my article as a support for low life individualism. But you see, I wrote it for a specific situation in my own country in which citizens I deeply believe to be living like a herd. So I had to emphasize things in his philosophy that I certainly wouldn’t if I were to write about your country. I know I left out some context in this article, and for that I apologize.
In the end I just want to say that if you seriously put an effort in reading Nietzsche’s work with a set of reflective un-judging kind of eyes, you’ll be surprised by how he talked about great things, and I don’t mean great as superior, but great as deep and larger than life.
Well..judging from his attitude toward your post..I don't think reading Thus Sprach Zarathustra will help him to understand anything about Nietzsche..He came to judge, not to understand..and seriously, I don't see the logic of why he have to react with this anger toward a post of an unknown blogger from a third world country who will most likely give no shit about all D n S crap and all other Americans big guy that he just mentioned.
ReplyDeleteWanna make it worst? you only said "strong, courageous, and noble"..while he vomits "obtuse, selfish, insane, psychotic, sociopathic, narcisistic, greedy, neanderthalistic asswipes???" I don't know whether he is on drugs or decadence..probably he was describing most people in his country, or all those American Big guy that he sure love to curse..or probably about himself..or probably he has a "Slave morality" and thus, by Nietzschean genealogy, his reaction is a defensive act which is why he was so strongly reactive toward the idea of "Master morality"..
Huh..sorry if I'm not helping but probably pouring some more gas to your blog instead..hahaha
ReplyDeleteActually this person has it right.
No he wasn't...if you read that link and believe that that person has the right interpretation of Nietzsche..then yes He sucks..but the problems is, the interpretation is damn fucking one sided and quoted Nietzsche in a wrong manner, so no..the interpreter is the one who sucked
ReplyDeleteWarning: Never try to quote and make direct interpretation of ANY philosopher IF you are not a dedicated Philosophy student..heck, even those hardcore philosophy students read mostly "Academic discussion and interpretation of Nietzsche " not his writing directly..
dear Anonymous,
ReplyDeletehave you ever truly read Nietzsche's works, or respected reference about his works, or his life and background, or even Schopenhauer's works that rubbed on him, or Buddhism that rubbed on Schopenhauer, or Eastern philosophies that gave Buddhism its context?
or have you had an understanding that philosophy is about life reflection, or that consequently, in philosophy there are no such things like: he sucks, he's cool, he's purely evil, he's an angel, or other childlike values, heavily based on purely good-bad perception?
because if you haven't, there's really nothing I can say that you will understand.
it would be like explaining the beauty of THE DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS to a child that couldn't stop thinking about how ridiculous the shape of the letter H in the word rights is.
To Mr. Husink: Yes I'm aware interpretations are supposedly innacurate. Amazon.com's 1-star reviews of Thus Spake Zarathustra mostly concern the supposed poor modern translation as pointed out by hardcore Nietzsche heads like yourself. Obviously me being unable to argue his philosophical qualifications from a dedicated Philosophy student perspective I'll concede(since I wasn't a philosophy major(who is anymore?)), still one must(if intellectually honest from a real-world perspective like mine) factor in the more negative attributes of his philosophy and the consequences such as eugenics, Hitler, Nazis, Stasi, Holocaust and misogyny(etc) which led to the polar-opposite extreme(by Newton's Law aka "action-reaction") of today's "walking-on-eggshells-like" politically-correct hell facing the white, straight, American male(of which I'm one), and because of that reality here in my country(America) today, no I cannot support the guy, so I offered a counter point to the overall glowing perspective of him in this blog(which yes I understand is from a third-world perspective), ok? Cool?
ReplyDeleteFrom Hub: "have you ever truly read Nietzsche's works, or respected reference about his works, or his life and background, or even Schopenhauer's works that rubbed on him, or Buddhism that rubbed on Schopenhauer, or Eastern philosophies that gave Buddhism its context?"
Yes Hub I'm well aware(through 12 years of lurking/being verbally bullied on online forums by endless scores of insipid internet tough guys(or "supermen") that those things are now generally vogue amongst those who usually pretentiously identify themselves as "open-minded" and generally vastly mentally superior to the vast majority(in almost a way that can be described by me as "intellectual jockism"), but even looking at those things from a positive strandpoint, how do you explain(when you turn them backwards) the arguable de-evolution from eastern philosophy to Nietzsche's "Superman" concept in light of his apparent insanity to one blind(insane) leading another in Adoph Hitler to Hitler/KKK/Stasi-like "neighborhood watch" goons harrassing me(a lifetime law-abider) almost daily and constantly with the jarring sound of loud motorcycles/trucks/old cars playing loud rap music in my neighborhood? One can argue the merits of his philosophy all one wants, and I can't change your opinion, but I'm more interjecting this consideration for the readers of your blog(those who are "on the fance" so to speak) as well as for my own piece of mind considering my world is a living hell right now probably mainly because of this man and the amoral, drugged modern society he selfishly helped create for me. Also in closing, no matter how your ilk wants to denegrate and trivialize good/evil, etc, there damn well is evil(lots of it) in the real world(certainly in my world) right now(one reason why I'm now taking herbal equivalents of valium and lithium daily to deal with my insane meth-head "neighbors" that must think THEY are "supermen"), so sorry, your childish schoolyard tactics don't fly with me(I'm 38 years old, by the way). Don't take this as hostility towards you(or your apparent sock account Mr. Husink)), but it's just my perspective reflecting my own reality and unfortunate experiences. You merely come from a different reality/perspective/whatever....you must be blessed and sheltered like most of the rest of your type(at least in America).
first, a bit of confirmation, there's no childish schoolyard tactics. I just realized that using the word 'child' was (perhaps) something offensive in the US. so, please note that every time I said 'child', I meant it in its original meaning. I wasn't trying to verbally abuse anyone. (and by the way, I'm a philosophy major... among other things)
ReplyDeletesecond, the common thing about Eastern philosophy and Nietzsche's works is that they both propose an un-valued reality, a view that reality is actually value-less, and how a man who realizes all of this will see reality in its truest form, or 'transcend', or be free.
Hitler inappropriately used his works to back up his propaganda, just as he used Landsteiner's works on blood groups. I don't think you can directly deduce Nietzsche's works from Hitler. I still believe it would be best if you just read them yourself, of course, with an open mind.
I don't really know about the hell you live in, and of course, you're free to blame it all on the thoughts of a single man living in the 19th century, although I find it a bit hard to relate to.
and yes, religious persecutions and gang wars aside, I am blessed and sheltered. I've never been actually wounded more than three times by a complete stranger in my life. I'm 28, by the way.
all in all, thanks for your replies. it has been... educating. :)
mr Anonymous:
ReplyDelete1. He is a philosophy major, and so yes, his thought of Nietzsche's works are quite valid. Oh..and so does Bruce Lee by the way.
2. I'm not a hardcore Nietzschean, in fact I'm not a hardcore philosopher but I do understand the need to be cautious in damning a person's work as "sucks", "bad", or even "evil"..because that one kind of attitude my friend, is the source of all "brand"-conflict all over the world. So when people are faced with radical ideas like polytheism, atheism, Marxism, instead of judging the right or wrong of that idea and choosing sides afterward, I think it would be wise to study the background (political, family, religious), the growth (the person's thinking evolution), and especially the literal style (which I do admit that Nietzsche's literal style is very hard to swallow to those who always take what they read directly as it is which probably 80% of the people, but so do the Holy Bible and the Koran for that matter) of that particular philosophers. And based on my experience, most of them actually gave birth to an idea as a critique of the situation at that time, and in that light, they actually did have a good will.
And do note that even being able to read and see the good intention behind those ideas (Atheism, Marxism, etc), I still am a devoted religious Catholic and their ideas don't change me suddenly into an atheist, who loves live, racist and think God is dead like what most anti-Nietzsche think Nietzsche always promotes with his works. Instead these ideas opens my vision about the world and life greatly. And I believe, mr. Author here who writes this blog do have the same experience, and through this blog, wish to share the same positive attitude.
3. Yes, Nietzsche's ideas does gave birth to Hitler, but I'm very sorry that you have to react in such manner. If a person - lets call him mr.A - tells an idea and mr. B misinterpreted it and kill thousands of people based on that idea, while not consulting about the idea with mr.A, would you persecute mr.A to burning hell?How would you yourself feel to be misinterpreted by someone and that someone does a bad deed based on his/her misinterpretation of your idea?would you want to be the one who is condemned?
And about the polarity..you choose to be the counter polar of the misinterpretation. I'm sorry, but that doesn't make you any better than they are..you are reacting based on something that is wrong..why not make the right interpretation instead?if you are the one with the idea, would you like people to really understand your good will?or to be against you due to a misinterpretation that isn't your fault?Yes..maybe you do get face to face with harsh reality around your neighborhood..but please, blame the one that is really in your face, not some 19th century guy who sincerely gave their thought for what he believed was to make a better humankind.
mr. Anonymous:
ReplyDeleteAnd for your information, Indonesia is not a peaceful paradise AT ALL. This is a multiracial multi-religion, and multicultural DEVELOPING THIRD WORLD country with most of the citizens are still low or even uneducated, and living below the acceptable economical scale, and many violence here are executed in the name of God, so there you go, a complete ingredients of chaos don't you think? so I refuse to accept your complaints about your living hell situation as a reason of your stand point, not to mention calling an argument as a"childish schoolyard tactics" and stated your age as if you are older, and hence know better of this world. Don't you dare give us a lecture about good and evil like we don't know anything about it and act like you are the only one whose living in a miserable and harsh environment, hence the right to be mr. Counter-opinion by condemning an idea as a bad one just because you refuse to understand it, but choose to react against the fallacy of interpretation instead, and in the end called us "Blessed and sheltered". FYI mr. Author lives in a neighborhood where a Holy Mary statue was burned just because it was too Catholic (What a great excuse don't you think?) and the local authorities (or even the government) did nothing about it. I'm 27, I've been robbed and bullied during my childhood due to racism and economical discrepancies (which is sad because I'm not at all rich either), 14 years ago we were living in a terror of total chaos with racial killing and rapping (Jakarta 1997 or 1998, I kinda forgot). You wanna be a reaction or should I say, conquered by your situation?or you wanna step above it and choose to be liberated by the endless chain of action-reaction? the choice is yours.
I mean:
ReplyDeleteliberated FROM the endless chain of action-reaction?
hub: "I just realized that using the word 'child' was (perhaps) something offensive in the US."
ReplyDeleteYes, since calling a 38 year old educated man childish isn't offensive.
hub: "and by the way, I'm a philosophy major... among other things"
Great. Come here and be a professor. The pay's good, there's colleges everywhere, and you can escape your 3rd world conditions. You'll probably even get a full grant(free everything) to transfer credits over here if you leave this summer. Bring your mom/dad/siblings.
"Eastern philosophy and Nietzsche's works...propose an un-valued reality"
Like moral relativism, that '90s gem? Ah, the days of backwards ballcaps, cop-killings on MTV videos, Pres. Billy Clinton & his media commissars spouting there's "no right or wrong" while boxing me into a subclass called "Gen X" to seperate me from them economically. Yes, the rich, old & powerful can do whatever.
"you're free to blame it all on the thoughts of a single man living in the 19th century"
Just connecting historical dots. My point is all these things you list as great works can be used for evil purposes(like the genocide of a people or as an excuse by the ruling class to persecute individuals). It's stupid human nature. Nothing can only do good, not until people are all free of the evil within themselves. There wouldn't need to be "Supermen" if we could just all get along; the whole "central banking", the whole Federal Reserve & credit cards & banks & lawyers and courts, police....the whole damn slave system could just vanish & we'd be free....if only.
"and yes, religious persecutions and gang wars aside, I am blessed and sheltered. I've never been actually wounded more than three times by a complete stranger in my life. I'm 28, by the way."
Then come here, like I say. Make $100,000/yr(upper middle class), union, pension, the whole bit. If I'm wrong, at least concede that maybe things aren't quite as good over here as you might have thought?
Husink, no I wouldn't want to eternally condemn anyone if I could, though I may eternally disagree, but those 2 are different and I'm entitled to disagree.
As far as a correct interpretation, what is your source, because Amazon.com(and I'm guessing most of America) only offer the "incorrect"?
Husink: "Don't you dare give us a lecture about good and evil like we don't know anything about it"
But Hub just caled that "childish". I'm not comparing my country against yours, or saying my suffering is much worse, but you seem awfully proud for supposed 3rd world folk living in anarchy supposedly with their lives in the crosshairs as you seem to claim. You two just seemed to me quite frankly like average American spoilt upper-middle-class collegiates typing from the same laptop in your shared dorm/apartment/whatever, waxing all philo. Education, fluency, and attitudes appear pretty much akin to the average American Uni student. I'm not condemning, either. I could have been one of them under different circumstances(not that I'm jealous(except for the $$$ part). And catholic persecution exists here too, mostly done by the Jews now(no more "Merry Christmas"; pretty soon trees and lights may be banned(they did it publically in Boston and elsewhere already). And none of our large multi-culture inner cities are any safer in daylight than your homeland by the sounds of it, and the meth epidemic is still f-cking up our farmlands(now coming in from Mexican cartels that Obama(like Bush & Clinton) do nothing about). People have been outsourced/foreclosed upon in millions in recent years. The lower-middle and even mid-middle class is vanishing. The future includes sleeping under freeway bridges for more and more folks(maybe myself included). Things really suck here too. I'm sorry about Indonesia.
When I called your view childish, I hadn’t known about your age. But had I known, I wouldn’t have made a different statement.
ReplyDeleteWhat will anyone call someone who refuses to be corrected, holds on to his false ideas that he himself also happens to know to be false, only because it serves as a justification for his crying out his ‘hellish’ conditions?
You haven’t even read about Nietzsche for God’s sake, how can you say anything about the matter, let alone accusing him for causing all the troubles in your life?
Even the idea that your whole world is bad because of one person’s thoughts is already an absurd thing, isn’t it?
Society and its problems ARE complex matters. Learn more about them instead of not reading and yet, blabbering passionately.
In fact, don’t even say anything, or worse, scream your baseless judgments about something unless you have studied it.
Really, it doesn’t look good on you.
God, there’s so many wrong things here I almost don’t know what to say next.
Okay, you claimed to be educated, but what kind of an educated mind would see things simply as sucks, cool, devilish, angelic, I like this, I don’t like this, I blame this, I blame that. You can’t even comprehend that there are other kinds of appreciation to reality, not just I like it or not.
Damn it Man, you’re 38, you really should have known better.
Mm... I have decided that after this, I won’t be sparing any more time or replies on this matter. Talking with you is pointless. You’re obviously not interested in searching the truth and you offer me nothing. You just want to cry out about your situations and are childishly (there I said it again) invested in replying without any real content, which will be shown by these occurrences:
ReplyDelete1. When I explained Nietzsche’s views, you proposed an argument that came, not from reading his works, but guess what, from a notion of Hitler who was widely known to have misinterpreted him. What good is that argument?
It’s like when I say something about Hegel’s absolute idealism, you reply with a story about your neighbor who watched a picture of Hegel once and thought that he should kill his wife.
What good is that argument? What value does it have?
2. When you cried out about your hellish conditions, I refrained to say in details what I myself had gone through, even when you told me to be blessed and sheltered (you’re just full of judgments aren’t you?) because I didn’t think it would contribute to anything. But when you finally heard that I didn’t have a better condition, you mocked my conditions, and sarcastically told me to come to your country.
What kind of a reply is that?
What kind of a discussion is this?
3. When my friend gave his argument about references, you said you would hear someone who’s a philosophy major. But, when I told you about whom I was, you never listened, mocked my education, and sarcastically told me to come to your country.
Really, what kind of a discussion is this???
Are you only interested in giving pointless emotional replies?
4. “Nothing can do only good.” Who said anything against it oh dear Anonymous? That’s how you justify your arguments? That all this time you’re only proposing the idea of “nothing can do only good”? Don’t you think it’s an idea that is already shared by the whole world already?
I do NOT have any kind of interest in baby-talking with a pointless 38 year-old man.
Here’s another thing, one last piece of information I want to share with you because I care about the truth, which goes with a hope of your being, even though in my mind I know that it will fall into deaf ears.
Moralistic relativism is not the same with un-valued reality.
The first one moves in the plane of axiology, while the latter is of ontological origin.
Please look for it, for your own sake, in fact, just look for anything. Read anything, really.
You’re 38, stop being a miserably, pathetically narrow minded, self involved cry baby. Believe me, loud and dumb is not a good combination.
I hope that you find some growth.
hub: "Society and its problems ARE complex matters. Learn more about them instead of not reading"
ReplyDeleteYour apparent repeated assumption that I, as a white, straight, American man(regardless of economic class), can't possibly be experiencing a living hell in his own life, but rather I need to "learn" about it from an outside source/person/culture....that perfectly illustrates the type of willful contempt and neglect I've been getting from the pretentious, elitist, narcississtic, global ruling class & all it's foot soldiers(like you) who live to transfer all your rotten onto me. Your latest 2 fly-off-the-handle responses regard mostly the first sentence of my last reply. You don't want to understand me(while pretentiously claiming "open-mindedness" with typical anonymous "internet tough person" scorn and derision)....no, you only want to be reactionary(Husink must be dissapointed(unless he's you as I suspect)), all because I upset your idol worship of a guy you(yes you) related to that sociopath, carnival-barker CEO of WWE Vince McMahon, a guy who's senile, demented, treats most of his employess like sh-t, fires his best wrestlers for no reason, or publically humiliates them(see: Daniel Bryan, who can wrestle circles around all of the "pro" roster of funtionally retarded "supermale" body-building latent homos that role play their brutish fascism like the goon personnas they are while paid shills like those asswipes Michael Cole and Josh Matthews, rather than commentate, insult and demonize their audience in smarmy Saturday Night Live-type fashion.....yes, what a fine correlation for your blog entry. Makes me want to sell my undervalued home and move to some third-world toilet to claim to be "wounded" by an entire 3 people and be self-sanctified like you, you pretentious, silly little fascist twit.
hub: "you reply with a story about your neighbor who watched a picture of Hegel once and thought that he should kill his wife."
That wasn't even me. It was a link(another person I "Googled"). Sorry I didn't make that clearly than I thought I did by saying(wait for it):
Actually this person has it right."
You right away replied to my personal revelation of pervasive psych-social intimidation by psychos in my neighborhood by immediately revealing your country and the negative circumstances you claim to have encountered, as if to carelessly, capriciously assume you've "out-suffered" me by conveniently pulling out the "Third World! Poor Me!" card. Seriously??
Ok, so without further quoting your ever-increasing trollish, child-like banter(occuring in its predicted free-fall rate with every post), this is why I don't converse much online anymore. It's the same manner of reply, the same troll tactics(ad hominens, purposely ignoring the content/meaning of what I say(or trivialising it) used on a grand scale(in real life) by the global ruling class to minimize, trivialize, isolate and demonize me(low-middle, but really part of the working class). So yes, Hub, do kindly go; I'm very much done with you too. Enjoy being a philosophical martyr "big-ish fish in small pond" in Indonesia so you can use your "3rd World OhMiGod!" card to hector anonymous underclass Westerners you hate so much & claim to be vastly superior to because they just simply can't bask in your wonderful uber-enlightened, lionized Royal Ancient Third Worldity, you lovely little emo self-inflated modern fascist C U Next Tuesday.
Ok, I know you said you were done(as did I), but I just need to get this out, and then I'm done. I'm more getting this out for myself at this point.
ReplyDeletehub on June 3rd: "It’s like when I say something about Hegel’s absolute idealism, you reply with a story about your neighbor who watched a picture of Hegel once and thought that he should kill his wife."
I never said anything about "Hegel", but I see you were just making that up as an "example"(a very poor one, of course). I linked that other person's blog again in response mistakingly thinking he told the "story" of "Hegel", but I had not read that guy's blog entry for several days and I forgot he didn't say anything about it because you were just making it up. It just wasn't clear from your end, though when writing english as a 2nd language, I guess that can easily happen to even super-dooper uber "grown up" Eastern Shaman(Reverent Bowing of course) sanctimonious sh!theads like yourself.
hub: "You’re obviously not interested in searching the truth and you offer me nothing."
Oh yes, like the following is "nothing":
ME: "There wouldn't need to be "Supermen" if we could just all get along; the whole "central banking", the whole Federal Reserve & credit cards & banks & lawyers and courts, police....the whole damn slave system could just vanish & we'd be free....if only."
More poignant and thought-provoking than anything you've mentioned on this page(and probably your whole damn blog).
All the childish character attacks(assumptions) you pissed out over your final pair of replies(did you forget to go as "Husink" in your 2nd response that time? ah, who cares) just go further to prove(besides your ever-revealing WWE example) that nothing you have to say to me(or anyone for that matter) is at all important, and trying to actually bring valuable, real-world concepts into any conversation with you is therefore pointless and gets met with "OMG! Like, read ANYthinng! R3@llY!" type responses from you. Typical of your "sh!ttinG LoudLy" philosophy, I suppose("Just follow the herd and don't complain"). Goodbye again, loser. Like that ol' Billy Joel song....I think it went "I hate you just the wayyyyyy you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre........".
Wow..really..you can't separate the author from me??that is so dumb of you...perhaps that is why you can't even make a google account and post as anonymous instead (I know you'll try to make an explanation about this, but you don't have to, because I don't care)..you are fun to play with..hahaha..well..if I were him, I would just easily delete all of your comments and clear my blog from your garbages..I would save the trouble of being nice as He did (yes, he tried to be nice, but you failed to notice it, well, that isn't surprising, considering that you only came here to fart and poop)..I don't hate losers, but loser+asshole (yes, you) deserve the worst F words that all forums could give (which I suspect you are used to with due to your pain in the ass attitude)..you even waste your time to hate some no one that never interfere with your live..hummm...I guess you are a total failure in live that just can't face your difficulties like a man, and come here to vomit all your hatred..ridiculous..go take care of your family (which you should have considering your age, but you probably don't have since you are a pain in the ass that probably no one wants to marry you, but save your breath trying to explain because I don't give a damn), and improve your job (which I think you suck at, but also save your breath trying to explain, because I don't give a damn either)..instead of wasting your energy to argue with and hate some thousands of miles away guy whom you never met before, and probably never will..but even if you do, be my guess, because I don't give a damn either..in other words...screw you...go F yourself..
ReplyDeleteHustink: "can't even make a google account"
ReplyDeleteMore like won't. No use giving any information to the secret wing of Homeland Security I don't have to.
Hustink: "you are fun to play with..hahaha"
Hustink: "you only came here to fart and poop"
At least I'm not sH!ttinG LoudLy....
Hustink: "no one wants to marry you"
Eh....marriage is a waste of time.
Hustink: "go F yourself"
Furnish myself...good idea. I'd like new panelling for my home office.
To summarize(yes it should be my last post) for anyone reading this, my orginal post(about WWE only) got deleted, so I made another post(on May 5th, the day my 92-year-old grandmother passed away(to explain maybe not making much sense at the time)). As confusing and illogical as that first post might have seemed, in it I never mentioned my country, the blogger's country(I didn't know nor cared(or DO care for that matter)), and I never intended to get into some big ballyhooed East vs. West, ultra-political f#cking pissing festival....the only personal comment I made against "hub" in that very first post was "granola", which is about as universally benign and innoffensive a slang as possible. Then more than 2 weeks later, this inexplicable snide remark from "hub":
ReplyDelete"your developed country (I assume it’s the US because you conveniently used the letter D and R instead of the word Democrats and Republicans and referring Nietzsche as a ‘Krautface’"
I guess assuming, because I'm from the US, that I can't spell "Republican" or "Democrat", and that I'm racist for using "Kraut"(yes, because nicknaming an old, crazy WHITE man, with a F*cking RIDICULOUS mustache I might add, is "racist"........ok).
Oh yeah, and then this, from "Hus(T)ink":
"I don't see the logic of why he have to react with this anger toward a post of an unknown blogger from a third world country who will most likely give no shit about all D n S crap"
Ok, so why the hell should HE(or they) care that I care about it??? And if he's inferring that I can't react to the CONTENT of the message just because "oh. my. GoDD. Heez. 3rD. WurlD!", well B.S., get over your F*cking, over-sensitive, entitlement-minded Turd-World ASSES!
Oh, and this(from Hustink):
"you only said "strong, courageous, and noble"..while he vomits "obtuse, selfish, insane, psychotic, sociopathic, narcisistic, greedy, neanderthalistic asswipes???" I don't know whether he is on drugs or decadence..probably he was describing most people in his country, or all those American Big guy that he sure love to curse..or probably about himself..or probably he has a "Slave morality" and thus, by Nietzschean genealogy, his reaction is a defensive act which is why he was so strongly reactive toward the idea of "Master morality".."
Oh yes, it must be because I'M the guilty party....the charicature White, Hillbilly, Christian dumbass(even though I F&cking SAID that I'm A.G.N.O.S.T.I.C.!!!!!!!!). And Hub used WWE's idiocy to describe what exactly "strong, courageous, and noble" meant to the stupid old basket case. AAAAAAAAnd like i REALLY. give. a. DAMN what I rate on the F#cking "Nietzschean genealogy" scale you dumb, Nazi-worshipping, boot-licking, Mother. F%cking. Dumba$$!!!!
Yes, these are the "enlightened", "innnnnnnnntelligent" people that are going to F&cking saaaaaaaaaaaave us......puuuuuuh-F*cking-leeeeeeeeze!!!!!
ReplyDeletePlease stop replying and provoking more trash.
The man’s 38, has a brain of an imbecile, a soul of a spoiled brat, and likes to make countless false accusations (i.e. screaming his wildest imagination that someone must have deleted his comment as if anyone would care enough) just to get some responses and feel better about himself.
You’re dealing with a dumb old loser whining for attention.
Stop wasting your time and leave him be.
I will not have anymore of this nonsense.
hub o' crap: "@aron Please stop replying and provoking more trash."
ReplyDeleteIf you'd told your lover that FROM THE VERY BEGINNING all this could have been avoided and you know it. You wanted this. Further witness....
hub o' crap: "The man’s 38, has a brain of an imbecile, a soul of a spoiled brat"
Ohhhhhhhh yes, when I(yes I) posted THIS(AGAIN more useful than ANYTHING you offered here):
ME: "There wouldn't need to be "Supermen" if we could just all get along; the whole "central banking", the whole Federal Reserve & credit cards & banks & lawyers and courts, police....the whole damn slave system could just vanish & we'd be free....if only."
But you won't extract the message from the messenger, you only want to assume, marginalize, denigrate, trivialize, polarize, demonize....ah, fuck it....you count yourself amongst the "educated" when you're nothing more than another "internet tough guy" fucking TROLL(you and your lover(or alter ego, you tent-dwelling, knuckle-dragging, willfully-ignorant(to the BIG PICTURE) THIRD WORLD NEANDERTHALIC NUTJOB!!!!!
A$$HOLES("both" of you)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Go on changing to try to please me
You always let me down before(ooooh ooooh ooh)
Always imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore
Oh I would leave you first sign of trouble
We'd never even get that far(ooooh ooooh ooh)
Can see no good times, won't take the bad times
Discard you just the way you are
[saxophone goodness]
Don't give a damn that you will always be
The same ol' deuchebag that I knew
Ahhhhhh, don't give a crap you don't believe in me
The way I disbelieve in you
I said I hate you and that's forever
This I promise from the heart(ooooh ooooh ooh)
I could not hate you any better
I hate you just the way you are
[saxophone goodness]
I just want clever conversation
Something you just won't regard(ooooh ooooh ooh)
You ain't that someone that I can talk to
I hate you jussssst the wayyyyyyyy you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrre....
[sax goodness, synth Gregorian "ahhhhhh"s & fade]"
--leoJ ylliB
Okay2..sorry hub, I'll not reply to him again..I don't even read this post above me...but seriously...It's hilarious to find that I got it right about this loser is unmarried hahahahaha...I can be a profiler :D
ReplyDeleteThis is "anonymous"(the only one from this "comments" section), and I just wanted to explain to the readers why I acted this way. I started taking a mild herbal sedative(over the counter) for a condition(self-diagnosed) called "noise anxiety", and I took it(magnolia bark), realized the benfits seemed to level off after a few weeks after I made a dietary switch from grapeseed oil to olive oil(I use oil each day for my oatmeal) so I made the mistake of switching to another brand of magnolia bark which had this "roid rage"-like chemical(protein) called L-leucine in it, and I didn't realize at the time that that substance was causing my testosterone to go out of whack and give me great irritability and anger issues, so I then added a couple liver health herbs(milk thistle and turmeric) to deal with the anger(a healthy liver=less anger). That didn't work, so I switched back to the grapeseed oil for my oatmeal, still didn't quite work, so I finally went back yesterday to the original brand of magnolia bark I was taking a couple months ago, and now I feel perfect with this particular herbal/dietary regimen, and I'd definately rather kill myself than go without it. So just wanted you all to know I'm fine now(nothing can bother me) and that this is my final message here. Avoid L-leucine at all costs.