Monday, June 28, 2010

My Name Is Hubertus!

Yes, I have quite an uncommon name in Indonesia.
Somehow, people always have a hard time getting it right, and it gets even worse when I say it on the phone.
I’ve been called Robertus, Albertus, or even Petrus.

The best I’ve got so far is Rubertus.

The worst?
Try changing the first letter to ‘P’.


Now who the f*ck in their right mind would name their child ‘Pubertus’?!
It's so disgustingly hormonal!
And It didn’t get any better when the woman on the phone who had kindly blessed me with the name kept repeating it like it’s a normal name or something.

Some friends of mine call me Hube.
Does it mean if she ever becomes my friend, I’ll be called Pube?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha..tar si indri yg manggil u pube :D alah..mbak hayu aja :D
