Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

O My Dear DHF

I just got back from hospital stay. Seven days straight for DHF. Great.
I didn't know it could be a LOT of pain; or bloodier.

Anyway, I planned lots of writings including commentaries before I left. Now, they're just gone. I'm still trying to remember all of them.

So... if the next topics seem like out of date, please bear with me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Bit of ASCII Art… and Before Sunrise

Do you know those pictures who are made simply of letters, numbers, or any other keyboard characters? Yep, like the ones you see in program cracks.

It is called ASCII art.
ASCII art is a graphic design technique that consists of pictures pieced together from printable characters; or basically, a text based art.
I just found out about it the other day while browsing for letters.

This is another example of ASCII art. The Yin Yang on the right is actually made of the words ‘yin yang’. You can zoom in to see it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

bX-q0tcxb OR gadget broken

My layout is broken.
I can't add any gadgets.
This really blows.
I'm stuck with this template for a while.
Hope everything gets back to normal soon.

Everything's pretty much back to normal now.
I guess I'll keep this ever-wide template after all.

Jens Lekman's Your Arms Around Me

Jens Lekman is a Swedish indie musician currently residing in Australia. His sound uses a lot of samples, but I find them comforting. Especially the odd lyrics.

This is a song from his second album. It is also used in the movie Whip It.
He is known to change his lyrics every time he sings live, so I use the lyrics taken straightly from the album.

Who the Hell Is Clara Adelin Supit?

About a week ago, Dewi Sartika or Clara Adelin Supit (23), a student in Jakarta, reported to the police about her allegedly nude pictures that spread on the web.
She said the pictures were made at her friend's request.
Misly, the friend, said she needed them to cure her ex-boyfriend who was under a hex.
Dewi reluctantly agreed after making it clear to Misly that she wanted the pictures to be well-kept.
So she was surprised to finally find them on Facebook.
The police have questioned Misly, who accused her ex-boyfriend as the one who put them online.

Jesika Dhanies/© 2006 Richard Kern

The paragraphs above pretty much sum out the popular news filling out most headlines on the net.

It seemed pretty simple, right?

Well, in the next days, twists have come to make the matter worse.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pageblug, the Deathly Plague

Pageblug is a Javanese term meaning 'deathly plague'.
I use the word 'deathly' instead of 'deadly' because the plague isn't just deadly (capable of producing death), it is deathly (suggestive of death, deaths are certain).
The plague itself means a lot more than a widespread disease, it means affliction.

In 1972, Pageblug descended upon three adjacent areas in Yogyakarta. The areas, Patangpuluhan, Sindurjan, and Bugisan, had a series of numerous deaths. For 6 months, death occurred once a week. The cause varied. Some died of old age, some died of illness, and some died for no apparent reason at all.