Friday, August 13, 2010

Am I Gay?

So pretty…
Damn sexy…

Since she’s very famous, I figure you already know who she is.

Yep, you’re right.
She’s the popular Nong Poy.

Born a male 23 years ago by the name Saknarin Marnyaporn, she underwent sex reassignment surgery at the age of 17.
By the time she was 19, she had won Miss Tiffany's 2004 and Miss International Queen 2004.
Since then, she has appeared in various television gigs.

Keep in mind that beside the sex reassignment, she did not have any other surgery.
So, her looks is completely natural (of course if you put hormonal therapy into the equation).

Anyway, the hypothetical question is,
“If you were in a post-apocalyptic world where there were only you, a real but dead-skunk-ugly woman, and her, and you could only pick one as your mate, who would you pick?”


Thursday, August 12, 2010


A friend of mine once told me why he stayed Catholic. He said that for one, the Church allowed him to freely search for the truth.

He’s got some point.

The Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican (or popularly known as the Second Vatican Council) passed a declaration on 'the relation of the Church with non-Christian religions' in 1965. It is known as Nostra Aetate (Latin, translated as ‘In Our Age’).

What does it say?

Well, you can decide it for yourself.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Epic Fail Videos

These videos made me want to piss and cry.
Make sure you have your speakers out loud.
Enjoy. :)

You Are What You Love: A Reflection on Dreams

“You are what you love.”

- Donald Kauffman in Adaptation

This is the last time I’ll abuse this quote, and if you still want to read this, you'll have to read the first post first.

In my first post, I describe that you are what you love, and the world plays some part in defining what you love at the very least.

Well, last Sunday I watched this talk show called Kick Andy. There were a couple of guests, all of them accomplished something despite their disabilities.

I’m only going to talk about two of them.

- One man had so small limbs that he couldn’t support himself. He had spent his entire life on a wheelchair without friends. When he had been young, he would have spent all day by himself, listening to the radio. After a lot of hard work and determination, he had his own radio station.

- One woman had been struck by cancer not once, but twice. She had survived both of them. She was a medical doctor, specializing in nuclear medicine.

They are all great fighters, we all know that, and I’m not going to say otherwise.
I just find it interesting that their deepest dreams and desires correlate perfectly with their past emotional wounds.

- The man who was desperate for communications is now the owner of a communications hub – a radio station.

- The woman who was beaten by cancer is now someone who destroys cancers – a nuclear medicine doctor.

It’s amazing how people take the biggest trauma in their lives and make it their purpose to be a 'powerful someone' exactly in that very field, isn't it?
The world DOES shape what we love.

I wonder what trauma I had that gave me this unspecific drive.

You Are What You Love: A Reflection on Relationships

This was meant to be included in the previous post (it’s best if you read it first), but since I felt it was talking about a different thing, I decided to make it a separate post.

“You are what you love.”
- Donald Kauffman in Adaptation

The quote has got me thinking about relationships, and I was finally left with a conclusion.

Your relationship can only work (as in having reached an interpersonal level, and not just basic functional level) if your partner loves what you love.

Friday, July 30, 2010

You Are What You Love: A Reflection on Self

"You are what you love."
- Donald Kauffman in Adaptation

The quote is powerful, isn’t it? I got it from a blog I found the other day. In just five words, it is able to describe how you see (your perspective upon the world), what you value (everything that matters to you), and why you do (your tendencies, drives, actions); the things that are basically and brutally, your true existence, or basically and cautiously, the deeper aspects of YOU.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

No Need for That

Sometimes I think the reason I don't put too much effort to comfort myself is because I love myself too much to put myself in any kind of trouble that comes from trying to provide comforts for me.

In other words,
me: I'm gonna find something to make you comfortable.
me: Don't bother. I love you even if you don't.
me: Okay.

Pretty weird, eh?