Saturday, June 12, 2010

Come to Think of It...

The only cooking show on TV which is able to fill its interlude with clips of the chef swimming around aimlessly.
And we have no complaints against it also.

Keep it up! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Why Kneeling When Praying?

Karl Rahner, SJ
Yes, it’s a very stupid question.
Most people will just answer, “Does it matter?”

But do you know that the answer of this very question helped Karl Rahner (a respected theologian) explain his solution to one of the hardest problems in theology, the connection between sacraments and grace?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Please Farhat Abbas...

Polisikan Luna Maya, Farhat Abbas Cuek Dihujat
Adhie Ichsan - detikhot

Jakarta Pengacara Farhat Abbas lewat Lembaga yang dipimpinnya, LSM Hajar Indonesia, melaporkan Luna Maya dan Ariel ke polisi atas video mirip mereka yang beredar di internet. Lelaki yang mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua KPK itu pun cuek saja meski dihujat atas tindakannya.

"Kan yang melaporkan atas nama LSM, biar aja kalau ada respon negatif," ucap Farhat saat berbincang dengan detikhot via telepon, Senin (7/6/2010) malam.

Suami dari Nia Daniati itu melapor ke polisi karena mengaku peduli terhadap masa depan generasi muda. Makanya ia tetap melaporkan pelaku serta penyebar video porno yang dirasanya sudah meresahkan masyarakat. Farhat juga tidak peduli jika tindakannya dianggap hanya menumpang tenar.

"Ini bukan tentang numpang tenar, tetapi bentuk kepedulian," tambahnya. Pengacara yang pernah menangani artis Manohara itu juga tidak takut jika sewaktu-waktu dilaporkan balik oleh Luna Maya maupun Ariel.

Sebelumnya, LSM Hajar Indonesia bersama Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Hukum Indonesia (Permahi) melaporkan Luna dan Ariel tentang tindak pidana pornografi dengan pasal 27 ayat 1, UU No. 11 tahun 2008, tentang informasi transaksi elektronik (ITE), junto pasal 282 KUHP. (ich/yla)

Another example that proves education doesn't mean shit here.

- Even though I personally believe the persons in the tape are indeed Luna Maya and Ariel, is it right to report them even though it's still not confirmed that way?
- If it has been confirmed that they are the ones in tape, is it right to punish them? I thought they were the victims? I wonder how Farhat Abbas would react if someone took a picture of him naked in the bathroom, posted it on the net, and had him reported for displaying nudity in public.

Publicity stunt? Overblown self-righteous ego? Morality retardation? Or just plain old raw stupidity?

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Great Scribbles

Everyone who knows me well can tell right away how’s my attitude towards religion. The word ‘careful’ will be the least powerful term to describe my stance; for most of the time I either hate it, or pay no attention to it.

Yeah, I know that for some people religion is:
- the only way to live life
- the only way to salvation
- the only way to God

Well, I used to think the same way.

But then I started to think that religion is NOT the only way, but rather A way among many other ways.

And now, as I get older, I think religion is NOT the way.


Religion along with its scriptures is NOT the way at all.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

O My Dear DHF

I just got back from hospital stay. Seven days straight for DHF. Great.
I didn't know it could be a LOT of pain; or bloodier.

Anyway, I planned lots of writings including commentaries before I left. Now, they're just gone. I'm still trying to remember all of them.

So... if the next topics seem like out of date, please bear with me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Bit of ASCII Art… and Before Sunrise

Do you know those pictures who are made simply of letters, numbers, or any other keyboard characters? Yep, like the ones you see in program cracks.

It is called ASCII art.
ASCII art is a graphic design technique that consists of pictures pieced together from printable characters; or basically, a text based art.
I just found out about it the other day while browsing for letters.

This is another example of ASCII art. The Yin Yang on the right is actually made of the words ‘yin yang’. You can zoom in to see it.